If you can't see the positives, then go enjoy your beer.
You know, I could be sitting up saying the same thing. Why bother? Why spend so much time, most of which will only ever be a waste on men who are so entrenched in alpha ideological bullshit they're never going to be anything to me but a harassment or a thorn in my side? Or all men drowning in their own self absorbed wallowing because they feel they've been unfairly sacrificed as collateral damage? Or several of the other variety of men trainwrecks that populate my landscape?
Let's face it. I'm 51, almost 52 years old. What's the point? Change comes so slowly it's obvious at this stage that I personally will notnsee any benefit to constantly tiving men a chamce ronlearn and want to change only to be disappointed again and again and again.
Maybe I'd like to have a beer and sit and pick at my own wounds so they never heal and then feel sorry for myself. Frankly, you're right. I have zero reason to stand in the fray and expose myself to misogynists. Zero. It'd be so much easier to let you all self destruct, kick back and watch it all burn. And have my beer. Slurp. Foamy.
Well, except for hope. The last thing in the box. Hope makes me think of Urchling and all the invisibles and less of myself. Urchling is still young and she's cishet. That's going to pair her off with a young man one day who is currently trying to figure out who he is and what his place in the world is. He's doing it in this toxic social environment we all built. Chamces are, he wasn't anywhere near as protected from it or prepared to thrive despite it as Urchling has been. She's really something.
I do it on the off chance, the silver of hope, that he will find some clarity, purpose, ability to self reflect, understanding, strength of will and character, etc that he might be a better partner for her.
I love her that much.
The world is full of Urchlings and future Urchling partners who exist out there in the ether, but invisible to me. I don't have to see them to know that they are there. As a member of a broader society, as we all are, I must hold hope for them as well. That's part of the ticket price of admission. (Young) Men shouldn't have to have that constantly explained to them. If you want the benefits of society, you must pay the price of admission and not barge in looking to burn the place down. At some point, the others will walk away and let you instead of trying to contain and repair or absorb your damage. I'm already here for my Urchling. I'll stand for the other Urchlings too. They might not have anybody else, or maybe their somebody else is seeing how many beers they can knock back or already passed out.
So that's why I stand in the fray. Hope. Love. Honor. Dignity. Be a shame to let it all burn. We deserve better than what got handed to us. I can't change that formme but by God I'll do everything in my power to change it for all the Urchlings coming up behind me.
Here's your beer. I don't want it. I'm busy.