If they didn't care so much about what other.men thought of them, being mocked by women wouldn't be a problem for them.
If only they'd figure out some way to define their manhood that didn't involve women's opinions of them, or women at all, actually.
I'm expecting two things. Every guy who goes unhinged in the comments for the next great while is going to find himself clapped back with #smalldickenergy and #getalife. There's going to be a lot of men losing their shit defending this troglodyte and others. Oh and 3, now that he's going to be occupied with prison drama for a while, all the other misogynist influence wannabes are going to be falling all over themselves trying to fill the void left by "Micro-Dick" Tate.
I see the audience found Stu's audition to be somewhat lacklustre; one might even say it was a flaccid performance.