If the curtent thinking and research bears out, I'd say there's a good chance therae even more female psychopaths than male ones, but more male sadistic psychopaths like the one in your story than female ones.
Reasons. I'd say females have a higher incidence of environmental factors and abuse/neglect in childhood that woule teigger the gene than males do.
I'd guess that more females with a gene for psychopathy stay latent or below emergent, historically speaking, than males. This would.be because teenage girls are more heavily scrutinized than their male counterparts overall ("where are you going, what are you doing, why are you wearing that, and who are you with?") so that there's less opportunity to delve into those dark traits. Secondly, violence is normalized for males, but not for females. Males also get more leeway when engaging in activities, like drugs and alcohol, that will being psycopathy to the surface. Again, traditionally speaking.
I would expect there to be more paychopaths and more severe forms of paychopathy emerging alongside the drug epidemic and to see more women reaching parity on this.
It'll be I terestinf to see the rise of more female predators going after men on the collective male psyche. See if it does to men what men like Bundy and the subsequent media and police gaslighting did to women. Stochastic terrorism at its finest.
Yay, equality?