If she's serious about that "standard", yes. It's just as reductive and just as dehumanizing.
Let's face it, you have to be pretty messed up in the head to think you're entitled to pick your life partner out like you're picking a car package where you deserve this this and this because you have a good credit rating while at the same time your license to drive has been revoked because your a hazard to other drivers. If that's you, quite naturally everyone in else in the world who actually enjoys their humanity is going to look at you side eyed and say, "just who the hell do you think you are?" Right?
It's really no different. Same shit. Different package.
That said, I think we need to acknowledge two things here.
First off, a long standing way of getting rid of problematic or worrisome men (who you think may not handle rejection well) has been to project what they hate, which gets them to dump you. And, social media/app dating has given men access to Many many more women than they otherwise would have had while simultaneously removing many consequences for bad behavior. Women have been drowning in that bad behavior for well over a generation now. It's possible that a significant portuon of that is an attempt to cull some of that bad behavior out or to eliminate the men who are just "fishing" or "browsing".
Secondly, manosphere vernacular has overwhelmed the discussion and the language of the manosphere is one of commodification and objectification. Feminist Elica.lebon once made the observation that in order for femininity to exist, the iteration of masculinity must cherish it enough to give it space and protect that space. Without that protection, that space, and that cherishing sentiment femininity must be set aside for more masculine expressions of traits and behaviors. My point here is that a generation of over the top objectification and commodification of women and there being no rest or reprieve from it, because it's fucking everywhere, may be acting to also drive women toward the same behavior they've been getting from men. I'm not blaming men, because they took were driven toears this behavior by outside forces. I'm just making the observation that perhaps this the natural fallout of certain things that have been allowed to run wild, unchecked, and even being lauded in our society while the opposite (feminine) has been degraded, mocked, caricatured, and devalued.