2 min readSep 1, 2022


If people want help when the disasters strike, they need to start voting for representatives that invest in infrastructure and diaster planning and management. Republicans don't do that. Some Democrats do. We need to vote climate change as a priority or expect to be on your own.

Further, Trump blew the federal deficit by several trillion dollars. Biden has, this far, reduced that deficit by 1 trillion. The federal government can not be expected to continue paying for disaster relief after disaster relief when state and local governments do not keep up their infrastructure and purposefully let conditions turn to squalor to enrich a few or to keep the lower ranks (based on the philosophy of white supremacy) down.

This is going to affect everyone in the state. Jackson is the state Capitol. Now there will be less resources for programs throughout the state. Everyone will suffer. If you're not voting for climate change policies, you're a fool. Stop voting to enrich the wealthy.

Disasters are striking everywhere. It's just a matter of time before where you live gets hit to. You can't count on the Federal government having the money to continue dealing with them when the government functions off of debt. What happens when the banks stop lending against the GDP? Why would China or any other nation fund our relief when they can't pay for the relief of their own citizens?

People are sleeping on rivers and seeking refuge in caves in China because of a 3 month heat wave.

Anyways my ultimate point here is that the federal government bears some responsibility here but not all of it. Citizens need to vote for better leadership. States and local governments need to do their part as well. And people need to realize that sooner or later the money is going to run out and then there won't be any aid. This is part of collapse.

Everyone, and I mean everyone should be preparing for weeks, if not months, of no power, food, or water access and be able to provide your own and tend to your own necessities as individuals, small groups, and communities. Level up your skills. Prepare a bug out bag and plan. If you're not already doing that, do it now. Prepare to host, long term, family and friends that have had to evacuate if you can.

It's just a matter of time before a disaster is at your door step.



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