I’d offer you a shovel to continue digging yourself a hole, but since you seem to be going all in you’re probably going to want to rent an excavator or a backhoe.
How very interesting that you would choose this biblical story to back your stance when, in fact, it proves my point.
Those elders became so dogmatic over Hebrew law that they lost sight of themselves and became agents of Rome, further oppressing and abusing their own people. I doubt Jesus would have come at that time had God’s chosen not turned away from Him in the way they did.
But Jesus did come. And He gave us one mandate above all others. Love one another. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That’s all we need to remember and all we need to dedicate ourselves to.
This is why I called you a hypocrite and a Pharisee earlier. In the same way that those Elders of the church used their position and their authority to abuse the poor and downtrodden of that day, so the Evangelical community at large has warped the word of God to the same end. You are become agents of evil. You have turned from the agape love that Jesus wanted for us, and away from God himself.
As this story demonstrates, there is no hierarchy to sin. Sin is sin to God. Each a hurt to God’s relationship with us but no one is worse than another.
You say to me again, to REPENT. I say to you go look in the mirror. Are you so blind to your own sin?