I'd have liked to get some reciprocity on that adaptability on things that are genuinely hard for me, or I'm uncomfortable with if it makes no difference to him.
That's rare too.
I've wondered if my easy adaptability with things that tend to get established early in dating, like how you communicate, makes men think I'm more passive or (dare I say it) submissive than I am.
The fact is, there's just a lot of things I don't care about. Nor do have any comprehension about why so many people seem to be bugging about them all the time in the ways they are. These are not consequential, fate of the entire world sorts of things. Talk it through and compromise. This isn't rocket science.
But it's always me taking the lead there. But then when it comes to the rare thing I do actually care about and I exert my wishes, lot of these guys tend to flip out and overreact. No reciprocity. No respect. They won't even take it upon themselves to guard my boundaries against outsiders KNOWING I don't like something, even while bragging about how I do that for them and they've never had that. Make it make sense.
So glad I'm done dating. ROI has been down the clink for far too long.
Maybe I should have been a passport babe, lol.