I wouldn't say that.
It's a bad equivalence. What you're talking about is reparations.
But women are asking men to make collective amends.
THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. (I can't bold on my mobile app without monetizing a comment, that's not meant to be shouty caps). Although, I understand the confusion because reparations are a way of making amends.
Reparations are more associated with payment to restore what has been lost or destroyed through acts of war. Reparations are appropriate when you're talking about the genocides of slavery and stealing indigenous lands.
It doesn't apply to male/female relations in general.
So set that idea aside. It's noise. A distraction. An obfuscation. A knee jerk reaction as an act of defense because men feel accused.
Now let's pull up a definition of what amends means in a more broader sense.
Amends: make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.
"the rule was amended to apply only to nonmembers"
-modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill. "did she amend her original will later on?"
-make better; improve.
"if you can amend or alter
Women are asking for men to parricipate in the 3rd definition of amends. To do your share of making the overall dynamics of heterosexual relationships better by examining your behavior and making sure you have consent. All while we do the same on our side of the equation.
And you're saying it's just too much to be asked of you. You're saying you don't care about our well being. You're saying you won't take responsibility for your sexual recklessness to not ensure consent is present, drink responsibly so your own inhibitions aren't nullified, etc.
Most rapes happen by someone a woman knows and more often than not alcohol and/or drugs are involved.
That suggests a few things placed against the tragic number of rapes.
1. That women are not saying no forcefully enough. There's reasons for that that need to be addressed.
2. Men are not paying attention to nonverbal cues.
3. Men are mistaking nonverbal cues like freezing or hesitating language like, "don't you have to go to work early tomorrow?" as part of 'the dance of a woman's "natural reticence" to be broken down and pushed past.
Small changes on both sides as an act of amends to each other could fix a lot of this and restore broken trust and faith in each other.
More than you would think can be handled by enough individuals adopting a personal policy of making amends in our individual lives.
It really doesn't have to be some grandiose gesture. Most people won't even know. Were talking about small changes. Learning. Caring. Making an effort in a specific way from here forward that maube you didn't before. Atomic type habits.
And you're telling us we're not worth it.
Okay then. Neither are you.