I would correct that last paragraph to include the reality that not having any interest in having children as a woman does not mean you lack any maternal instinct. Alloparenting relies on maternal instinct.
Also, since human females have no distinct breeding season, one can put off reproducing until conditions improve enough to see them through to adulthood.
It's always guys making these dumb ass statements that are clearly influenced by male strategy to maximize fecundity, which is to spread their sperm far and wide, that then gets applied to women as a means to berate or shame them as though that strategy would work the same for human females. It doesn't. Our best bet to increase fecundity is to reproduce less and invest more in ensuring offspring reach adulthood.
Unlike mice, we have to care for our offspring for roughly 20 years, not 6 weeks. Pregnancy and childbirth is significantly more hazardous for us human women than for mice. Our lifespans are also significantly longer and we don't face the same degree of predatory pressure that mice do (well except for sexual predation from human males, of course).
Ultimately the agitation and aggressiveness rising in women today does not hint at a loss of maternal instinct, but rather a delay, which is evolutionarily advantageous to human women and a direct response to economic conditions and the floundering of men.
I also disagree that men are too feminized. They're having an identity crisis because we're shifting from a domination model of social organization back toward tomething more egalitarian. That doesn't mean that men are becoming more female, it does mean that theyre having to refigure out who they are and where they fit in society now that they're not just automatically granted dominion.
One could say and not be incorrect that the men who are clinging so desperately to their "masculinity" are not masculine vs the "feminine" men they deride but are instead both childish and churlish, unstable, and often violently unhinged. How is that good for society?