I work 12 hours a day, bare minimum, and I'm a single parent. A lot of my free time is spent trying to make extra money to recover from the motherhood penalty. Yet I still made time to find out the truth about the issues I caressed most about or would impact me more, either positively or negatively.
I care less about the price of eggs or gas than I do about rent gouging, lack of affordable housing, drugs and homelessness, reproductive rights, the equal rights amendment, reining in corporations, and dealing with the media problem.
I will gladly pay a few cents more per egg or capool/vacation locally/whatever, if it meant rends were reasonable, people cwould buy a home if they wanted, all the price gouging ended, mine and my daughter's right to bodily autonomy was sacrosanct and we had a constitutional right to be treated fairly with basic human dignity, etc.
Let's not kid ourselves. No one is too busy and none of these issues are new. It's not like corporate price gouging is a new thing, neither is homelessness, or drug addiction. So we've all had a whole lot more time to learn about these things than just this election cycle. For most of us, pretty much our whole lives on some of these issues.
All any of us really had to do is go look up proposed legislation, see what each presidential candidate had promised to sign into law and then determine for yourself which way you think those plans and laws are going to move the needle.
You don't have to vote for every issue. That's impossible anyway. You should be voting how you believe will improve people's lives rather than for a personality or to be entertained and you need ro be voting reasonably, intellgently, and above all, from an informed position to do that.