I understand that you believe it is an evolutionary imperative rather than social conditioning.
Those two pressures don’t exist in a vacuum though. They are interdependent on and influence each other.
It’s nature AND nurture; not nature OR nurture.
No one is saying that there is not some use in modern life for these traits. Only that the way modern man has wrapped his whole sense of identity around warped and self important notions of masculinity are stifling them and society at large from gains that could be achieved by broadening their skill set.
Hello alloparenting and non- defensive paternal care.
Also, attributing human character traits like courage and strength and acts of inherent violence, even if those acts are also beneficial, to the presence of testosterone is just false.
Lionesses are the hunters and will fight off larger males who will kill their young, Bonobo empresses control the meat, sometimes with force, wolverines, male or female will back down a grizzly bear, female dolphins will fight and drown a shark —no males present, female birds will cover their young in a nest against a forest fire, my own female beagle will throw herself over my child against “play aggression" or rough housing. She does it every time.
Are those not also acts of courage? Are those not also feats of bravery and strength?