I understand that desire ronpromote sisterhood and it's not wrong. I think it's misplaced here though.
This isn't a misunderstanding in good faith. This is willful and deliberate.
Further, as feminists we would not and do not give any man foolish enough to blather this bullshit any ground. They pretty much get metaphorically kicked in the nuts. And rightfully so. This is stupid. Pure stupidity. Idiocracy at it's finest.
Equality and equity go both ways. Granted, she doesn't have any nuts to kick, metaphorically or otherwise, but she's earned the same scatgibt rebukes they get.
After all, she's bloviating the exact same manosphere bullshit propaganda she got off of Reddit and TwiXXXer that they do and got from the same places.
She's just couching it behind the mantle of Motherhood instead of the mantle of Manhood. It's still she same.ctish ideology that makes serfs and mental slaves of us all and is the straightjacket so many of us chafe against our whole lives in the service of a very exploitative few at the top who abuse and degrade us.
That pretty much makes her Serena Joy to a T. And just as fascist.