I took Jupiter to the park early yesterday morning
Before dawn because it's 110° every day now and will be for the next month.
Anyway, on the way back I stopoee by a gas station convenience store for an ice cream popsicle for Urchling and me. The owner knows us and lets Jupes stay on the mat inside the door and cool off. Sometimes we stop there to refill water bottles too. Anyway, he was out tending to a problem with a pump for a customer and had the store part locked up.
So, Jupe and I were just chillin' outside, waiting for him to come unlock the door. I'm sweating profusely and she's panting pretty heavily. The point being, we're not playing like we usually do. Too hot. We're sitting in the shade. Splooting as much as you can. Trying to cool off. Right?
I've been thinking it's Jupiter and our play that attracts men to me like.bees to flowers.
Turns out, that's not it. Or not, just it. Even just sitting there, sweat rolling, I'm unguarded when I'm with her, like I am at home.
Apparently, I have game face when it's just me that I didn't realize I was doing all the time. Even so. I still have men appoach me regularly. I'll be 52 next month.
Talking about how manhood culture has changed....I get approached far more now than I did in my twenties, my prime, my highest market value. By Random Barney. All with this song and dance about how they're "nice guys". Then the bait and switch. The entitlement. The plot for a sex hookup described as a date.
It's not like the same.things didn't happen when I was young, but it was rare, not a daily occurance from just stepping outside my door.
In fact, as I was telling Urchling about it, I remembered every time from before I hit 20. That number exceeds the number of times I got hit on like that yesterday morning within a 20 minute time frame by 1.
That's what happens without that guard up, that attitude. Let that sink in a while. Again, that's middle aged me, dripping copious amounts of sweat at a gas station before 8 am on a Saturday.
I feel for young women today. I don't blame them for their attitudes. We're exhausted.