I think you're right. This case being offered up for public consumption is going to be disastrous for victims, female or male. There's a lot of talk that this will be beneficial to male victims of DV, and that may be somewhat true in the short term but long term, it won't. The lawsuits themselves will eventually seen as abuse and hate. Its been proven that men lie more about women than women do about men. So this lawsuit just empowered lying men to further abuse their victims, male or female. Once that become more obvious to the public at large, no one will believe male victims either because the assumption will be that the lawsuits are an attempt to abuse.
Might be a slight side tangent, there's just a lot of talk about what a victory this trial was for male victims. But there's no reason to believe that it will be because the underlying societal derision for victims is still in play.
I guess the question is what is next for women. Imagine if Bowen Turner turns around and sues Chloe Bass and the other surviving victim because the justice system pled him down. He's off house arrest and is not required to register as a sex offenders registry. You've got a serial rapist walking around the streets of South Carolina and out playing golf.
If that had happened at the end of this month and one or some of these young women, minors, had become pregnant, they would be required to have that child and he would have parental rights.
One of his 3 victims has already committed suicide because she was bullied by society. They wanted to believe him. Then, they wanted to give him a second chance. Then, they decided being beaten raped, and left exposed or for dead wasn't serious enough to warrant inconveniencing a promising young man.
We can't protect ourselves.
There is no justice for women.
If you come forward the truth will no protect you and often will no matter. You'll be despised and publicly pilloried.
We all know it.
The consequences for women because of male violence are about to increase.
What now? When is enough enough?