I think you're overestimating how many people, particularly men, truly want equity or equality.
You're conveniently blaming mothers for young men being infantalized but VERY CONVENIENTLY excluding blame from fathers who abandon their children. That's not right. Abandonment creates emotional orphans. That's a significant trauma a child will have to carry their whole life. Every wonder why moms over compensate here? Or does that just never factor in?
Did the same thing with feminism/feminists turning off so called moderate men by conveniently ignoring how generations of misogyny in media have soured women on men. And then the internet came along and really escalsted all that. All the pecking, strategizing for how to use and manipulate women, rape jokes and strategies, the trolling, porn....all of it. It's all out there for us to see and experience. All the so called moderate men want to act like this is all shrill women ruining everything and ignore all the thug behavior from men that drove it. Also, so called moderates are not as moderate as you claim. When and where the rubber meets the road, they're pretty predictable. They don't choose women or equality. They choose themselves.