2 min readMar 7, 2022


I think you missed the point of that passage about being the light of the world, Dan.

People don’t have to be convinced, subjugated, talked to, proselytized, harangued, or brow beat to take and accept light. They seek it out because people are afraid of the dark.

The passage is meant to instruct Christians to be a light in order to attract others to the faith. To give them a reason to come to you and ask why you’re so shiny.

It is not an instruction to constantly make sales pitches to people who clearly don’t want them. So, no "hey buddy, want this light? I’ve got the light that you need to have. Without my light you’re doomed. Are you sure you don’t want my light? Why don’t you take it anyway, you might need it later. You’ll be sorry when you need it and you don’t have it. Can I just explain to you why you need this light and how this light and this light alone will make your life make sense? How will you see your love ones again without this light? Didn’t you truly love them? Blah blah blah.

As I recall there were more verses about not falling into that pattern above. Something or other about shaking the dust from your feet and not casting your pearls before swine.

And honestly, do you think God would rather you BE the light on a hill or a second rate used car salesman? I mean, light salesman?

I know which one gets my vote, my belief. If God didn’t want us to choose from our own hearts and minds, he wouldn’t have given us free will to do so in the first place.

p.s. I have not consulted the teenager on this one. You’re welcome. She’s been on a tear all weekend already.



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