I think too many men put too much emphasis and thought into commodifying other human beings. And now it's landing abck on them. And they're all shocked Pikachu about it.
I'll say it again, what you put out into the world will land back on you threefold.
If you want something other than to be seen as an objecto be exploited and resources, you need to stop doing that to other people, you need to stop feedinf that would in your thoughts, your speech, your actions, and your decisions. And finally, you need to establish and defend some biundsries for yourself to protect you from such people.
You need to stop drawing it in.
When enough men start acting like women aren't blow up sex dolls or sex vending machines and stop chasing after pussy in ways that are detrimental to their well being and mental health (and women's too, btw) then that begavior will stop being normalized.
Start acting like you give a rats ass about the person you want to be with rather than a hole to stick your dick in.
If you don't respect yourselves enough to be selective about who you want and who you date, why should women respect you?
Time and time I hear men wailing about how women are hypergamous and are only after the top eschelon of men while ignoring the fact that they DO.THE.SAME.THING. Men don't even see average or "ugly" women, much less see us as full people.
Your chickens are coming home to roost gentlemen.
If you want to be considered fairly, you need to stop chasing around after "hot" and plastic women above your own "station", look around and actually see the women you've been acting like are beneath you. Your standards are too high and out of alignment with your real legit market value.
You can stop this nonsense altogether. Y'all talk about dating and other people like you're at a slave auction in front of Wall Street. It's fucking disgusting. You actually wonder why no one will give you the time of day.