1 min readSep 2, 2020


I think they’re hoping Covid-19 will cull out all the dead weight within the population. Without so many old and sick/disabled people there will be less of a need for social security. Getting rid of them will also unburden their caregivers to increase GDP by working more important, more lucrative, more worthy jobs.

After all, we wouldn’t be in this position if we weren’t being drowned financially by all those people looking for a handout. If they can’t take care of themselves, they should just move on to the next realm and get out of the way. Stop dragging everyone else down with them, right?

This has been the rhetoric of the GOP since the 80’s. They’ve been quite vocal about it. And it doesn’t matter that eventually we will all be in that position … old and unable to work. It doesn’t matter that we’ve worked for 45 years or more and payed taxes into that fund, so really the money is ours. The sooner you die, the more of that 45 years of payment they get to keep.

None of this is new. Apparently though, it’s what people want. Cause anything is better than those damned liberals and progressives and their free handouts, right?



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