I think maybe it makes you a patriarchal apologist more than a misogynist. And you're right, you're not alone.
I think it comes down to whether or not you respect the choice of other women as to whether you're a misogynist. Are you another Phyllis Schlayfly? Who would undermine the work of women who want something more or other than to be a wife and mother? Would you be on board with handing over your right to you own finances? Your right to an education? That kind of thing.
Not everyone is gkinf to have the access or the means to go to Duke. If something beyond your control happens to upens your life, you'll be able to take care of yourself. You have a good education. If your husband breaks his vows or hurts you or your children, you can leave. You can support your children.
That ability to choose was brought to you by feminists challenging patriarchal norms.
I'm curious though, after your children are grown what are you going to do with your life and your time? Any plans or just a life of leisure?