2 min readJun 29, 2023


I see you don't see the difference between quality and high value.

Allow me to break it down for you, as it is an interesting choice of words on the part of men. Very capitalist and transactional.

High value means it costs a lot. Is important. Worth investing resources (money) in order to gain back a greater value. Something is of greater value than the amount prescribed by the regulations.

A man that is seen as highly valuable either to SOCIETY or to a RELATIONSHIP. Not to the woman. Society or a relationship, supposedly under the pretext that it will be good for the woman automatically by reaching those bars but that's clearly laughable as the price she pays is clearly higher by the standards of what it means to be high value in the first place.

We're getting a new printer at work. It's top of the line. High value. It's still built under the paradigm of planned obsolescence. So is that really the same as quality? No. No, it is not.

Quality, on the other hand, is the standard of something (or someone) as measures against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something (or someone). It's also a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something. An innate or acquired characteristic that in some particular manner determines the natureband behavior of a person or thing.

At this point, a particular observation about the nature of these two words should be rather obvious.

No? Buckle in then.

The phrase high value man is distinctly economical in nature. It's the commodification of men, manhood, and men's place in society. It's a form of subjugation. It's dehumanizing by it's very nature.

People who push this ideological bunk are promoting living breathing men as cheaply made goods that need to be sold off in a hurry to make room in the shelf like dating and relationships work like some kind of flash sale.

It's sick and depaved. Do better. Learn how to work a dictionary.

Human beings are already part of the word quality without having to warp or twist themselves or jump through hoops, meet some quota, whatever. Quality exists outside the economy.

I've got this box my Papa made for me. He made it out of scraps. It's not what you would call high value. Neither was he. But he put some time into it and I've had it for over 45 years, because it was made with quality craftsmanship by a quality man who was MORE important to society in a lot of ways that what society sees as high value.

High value is the language of douchebag n'er do wells.

Quality is the language of character and builders.

Thus endeth the lesson.



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