I see the same stuff.
I'm not sure I agree. It actually makes more sense that they would care less....unless there's some other factor(s) coming into play.
There's also often a misalignment between what becomes an issuenonline and what is readily observeable to you IRL. That may because you've wandered into an online echo chamber or it may be because where you live geographically doesn't follow the norm in that manner, or is overall more relaxed about it.
Here's what I can tell you.
1. I see the same stuff online you do. I see women rebutting it constantly.
2. Maybe 35 or 40% of the couples I know are in stable and happy but not perfect relationships where she makes more than he does. One is even a stay at home mom who got laid off during the pandemic and started her own business.
3. None of the women I know now actively dating IRL ever mention the term "economic viability" or that they refuse to "date down".
4. Most women I socialize with regularly are not actively dating at all.
Okay. So let's say that I just happen to live where, geographically speaking, it's not a thing or not a big enough thing to have come to my attention in the real world. Why might that be?
Well, I live in Phoenix so I live in an urban environment where there are more than average professional opportunities for women (good paychecks) but Phoenix is also a growing area and supports a lot of different industries. It's also a logistics hub and the state capitol. So it's just more culturally and economically diverse than a lot of places. With diversity comes tolerance. That's what really jumps out at me.
Let's say that the narrative online is false. Why might that be? Well, maybe it's like little big man syndrome. 6-6-6 is a natrative too, but it's a lie. Most women might prefer a small difference in height but that doesn't equate to 6 feet automatically. Also, a lot of women report the sole reason they have that preference is because it's the MEN who are wigging about it and then treat them like shit. If we're being honest, I can see a lot of men acting like little shits once the woman they're dating drops the bomb that she makes more money than him. Maybe a lot of women dated without consideration of finances and got burned. Now they're not willing to put themselves out there on that one again. The other thing that pops out to me is about children. Being able to care for upcoming children is never not going to be a factor in mate selection for women. There's a lot of talk about recession and the economy not being sustainable. Those feelings of future instability could very well be driving a greater than average focus on income, especially if she wants to be a stay at home mom or one or both of them want a large family. I should mention that there's also a dumb ass push counterculture on the rise called the #TradWife movement. You cannot be a #TradWife and have babies on a man's low income. If that's what want, you're going to need to fund that desire some way beyond wings and a prayer.
Obviously, I oppose #TradWife movement because it entraps women. But here, you see where it also harms men. Any woman in this movement MUST the vast majority of men because worker rights have stagnated and reversed. That's just the economic reality.
So those are my thoughts on the matter. I think overall, I don't agree with you because I'm just not seeing it in the real world and that's important. Even with #TradWife, insee it online, I have yet to run across one.whisnnot also in a religious cult and they self isolate for the most part and so shouldn't really affect the population at large.