I see men saying they're approaching less. Not seeing it on the groumd though.
Yeah, you do experience more violence. But not because you are men. Also, important to note that it's at the hands of other men. Not women.
And yes, sometimes women are violent toward men. That report I linked said 83 homicides of men were at the hands of female partners or ex-partners, I think. Feel free to check me on that, I'm at work now and can't go back and check the link. Just off the top of my head, I think it said 83.
So 83 vs over 1000.
Clearly, the thing to be feared, whether you are male or female is violence from men and not women. That's because it's males who are steugflinf to keep their violence in check, much more so, statisticslly speaking, than females.
Yet you fear it less, because like the snake analogy of how we are culturally attenuated to equate snakes with evil, women are culturally attenuated to fear pain at the hands of a man and men are attenuated to accept unprovoked and spontaneous outbursts of violence from their fellow men as a natural condition of manhood and masculinity.
While I continue to wait for that blessed day when I won't be approached by the endless streams of scrubs who want a mommy to take care of them, I'd like to thank you for taking the time personally to demonstrate to us all why it's going to be a long wait. See, in order to divest yourselves from us, that first requires you giving up scrutinizing every damn thing about us in the first place. And while I appreciate your ignorant efforts to "correct" me, conflation is generally not a good way to go about making a sound argument. You kinda lost the through line there, Hopscotch. Check your bag of grievance; maybe you left your logical fallacy scope in there.
Looking forward to your next public failure at not noticing me. Toodles.