I read that article the day you published it. You always show up in my feed because we have fairly regular comment exchanges.
Regardless of your personal feelings, and you're right that it's in bad taste, it happens frequently. In fact a lot of women you see writing artickes about how their ex was a narcissist (not Narcissist, as in clinical) or selfish, you'll usually see things mentioned that are exactly this. He weaponized something she trusted him with and turned it on her.
I'd guess there are a fair number of women who do this too, as men and women are not that different behaviorally in what they are capable of. They may just have to go about it differently at times. But men don't specifically write about it, so it doesn't seem as prevalent. Maybe it's not, maybe it is. Maybe even if it is, it's just not the concern to men it is to women. After all, it's not like men are running short of complaints about women anytime soon. Men are overplaying their hand, imo, but I'm ambiguous about that.
How you love someone is a choice. A deliberate action. You can love them to please yourself or you can love them as a true part of yourself, like with the ear thing. Hands down, the majority of men have chosen the former over the latter for far too long. When you get down to it, that's why women are opting out, grey divorcing, widespread rejecting, not giving a "nice" guy a chance, moving on, decentering men.
Except for the ones who are accepting this sort of transactional thinking and making what they can with it. Most of you gentlemen are not holding up well to those grifter 'ladies'. No sir. Getting the back side of the objectification coin like most women do is destroying you.