I question whether or not it’s feasible. I think we have our answer. Men will not mitigate excessive behavior of other men.
I can actually understand why they would be hesitant to. It was a strategy that made sense in theory because men value the wisdom and thoughts of other men so much more than that of women. But in practicality, it was going to be a no go. Still, worth a try though.
But I don’t think calling out these behaviors ourselves is the answer either. By and large, men still do not value and respect women enough to give credence to our words and experience.
I think we’re at the point where we have 3 avenues left to us.
1) Any response should mock them. I don’t like it, but if that’s their worst fear from a woman and the only thing that will modify their behavior and how they approach us in the public spheres, so be it.
2) Abandon them. If they can’t or won’t adapt their definitions and performance of masculinity to end the violence, then we should get out of the way and leave them to it. We can always clean up the mess when they’re done and they’ll be taking fewer of us with them. We might have to pass a law preventing men from having cats though, to prevent animal cruelty, because that violence is going to go somewhere and they’ll be lonely. We all hear ad nauseum infinitum about loneliness in old age and cats.
3) Start returning the violence. I don’t like this one either and there will be female casualties. But. The harsh reality is there are already way too many female casualties to male violence and if they start physically fearing women the way that women are forced (against our own nature) to fear men, maybe they’ll finally have reason enough to invest in some life and relationship skills and emotional literacy other than 1001 Ways to Manifest Your Anger: Being the Dominant DumbAss You’ve Always Wanted To Be.