Jul 12, 2021


I partially agree with you. Though, to be fair, we don't know that ONLY women are lining up for it. It's curious that there were no men in the study. Was that because the requests for study participants went to women's venues? Do men not know about it yet? We're women purposefully sought out as participants because the research team didn't think men could be convinced to try it? Because, as men, they have more will power (ROFL) and don't need it like us poor, weak willed little females? (Oh man, ROFLMAO).

Where I disagree with you is that not all misogyny or gender bias is deliberate. It's still misogyny and gender bias. And it's still harmful.

Finally .... Yes. Anyone, male or female but especially female, who stands in line for this thing needs a really good knock around the head.



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