I often think about how different the world would look today if Al Gore had become President instead of Bush. It’s not just about civil liberties and human rights, because he and his wife are actually fairly conservative. It was Tipper Gore who tried to police the music industry over explicit lyrics, and that association more than likely dropped his vote count. Of course once Bush was elected, those same people were ready to lynch or burn the Dixie Chicks. They’re nothing if not consistently hypocritical.
But also, because he is an environmentalist. We’d be further ahead in the Paris Accords now, if leadership had taken an environmental turn then.
Same thing with Jimmy Carter. We’d be on sounder financial and environmental footing now if he had had a second term. But no. Religious fundamentalists, hell bent on bringing their warped interpretation of Revelations to fruition, just couldn’t wait to whore out the broader faith of Christianity by getting into bed with a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic deranged fiend.
I’m a little put out with them. And sick to death of them. I say that countries around the world get their fundamentalist whack jobs packed up and jointly ship them all off to Antarctica. We’d be better off.
Who’s with me?