I mean, that like it or not, outsiders judge a group in a moral sense based on how that group treats each other. This happens across the board, but when you look at it from higher ranking groups on the dominance hierarchy looking at lower ranking groups on the dominance hierarchy, and this is from the perspective of the viewer and not the perspective of the viewed, if they see maltreatment it will subconsciously become part of their mental landscape of how and why that group "deserves" their lower ranking. In other words, it's part of the 'othering' process inherent to a dominance hierarchy social structure.
This is part of the reason why feminists want to 'smash the patriarchy' - to put an end of this constant othering and the vicious cycles of where it inevitably leads. We want off the hamster wheel that circles back around to genocide time and time again.
Please note: I suppose my comment may be taken as victim blaming or justification for racism. So let me be clear. In no way is the onus of corrective measures for racism on the oppressed class and it is NOT the fault of the 'othered' group how they are perceived by the dominant group. That would be anti-feminist. I'm simply pointint out my observation that this dynamic exists, that I hear and read things that highlight it from other races, particularly white people pretty often, and that it may be useful to everyone involved with this dynamic to understand it, that it exists, how it works, what sparks it and sustains it and perpetuates, etc. It's a possible landing point for self reflection and effective push back.