I know you disagree. For some strange reason you keep glossing over the fact that Jordan Peterson's ultimate point is that EVEN THOUGH these young men are not ready, unprepared for, or truly not interested in being a mate to a woman (not to even mention a good one) and EVEN THOUGH Peterson recognizes their main problem is that they've got their heads twisted around their own axle from perceiving that other men get more sex and being envious of that (this is where the very well deserved eye roll hits).....grievance covetous thinking born of envy.
The answer to the so-called "male loneliness epidemic" is to f-o-r-c-e women into monogamous relationships with them.
Because these guys are just too lame and stupid and worthless to get themselves together on their own. No no no. It's going ro require kneecapping a woman who will attempt to nag him into betterment out of self preservation for her and whatever unfortunate children result from that forced monogamy.
Maybe some of them will make something of themselves, which is good for civilization.
Peterson has been clear enough. This is his answer. This is the hope you speak of.
And all the men cheer and applaud. YES! If only these young men had sex then all would be well. We wouldn't have to worry avout being randomly killed during the next mass murder spree because some 19 year old thinks his life is over because his bedside bean jar is empty.
(Cue up another massive eye roll from me).
Okay. So the answer to men's "loneliness epidemic" is, once again, not for him to get his head out of his ass but for women to be sacrificed, for women to suffer. For women to be made property again.
Because the violence doesn't go away. The coveting and grievance didn't go away. It's just that when someone is made a sacrifice to absorb it, they become a shield between it and you. It's less random. It falls in one direction that you can then ignore.
Peterson has been very clear. He's not minced words. He's painted a very clear picture.
So has Tate.
So has Trump.
And this is the hope you see. For men.
There's no hope in that for me. Or for Urchling.
What all this boils down to is that a significant number of men cannot thrive, find success, not be "lonely", or not be a problem to society unless women are made to be miserable, stripped of human rights and human dignity, and made the property of men.
Yeah. Peterson's a fucking genius. I feel so hopeful. We should all listen to him. Eye roll.