1 min readDec 5, 2022


I have no sympathy. They brought it on themselves and they've been beyond pathetic for quite some time now.

I was talking with my daughter the other day about something or other political —I forget what exactly — anyway, the conversation tailspinned on Lindsay Graham and what he said about Trump being eerily similar to what was said to Hindenburg for supporting Hitler's bid for Chancellor.

Before he went the knee and kissed the ring, that is. All the way back in 2015. Those Halcyon days of semi-lucidity within the GQP. My darling Urchling was about 11 or 12 back then, so it was before / right on the cusp of her developing some political awareness. She has no memory of Lindsey Graham ever being anything other than a dedicated and stalwart brown noser.

She was just agog. She thought I was pulling her leg. I had to look it up and show her. She calls him the Spineless Wonder and often muses why nobody will give him a baby wipe to clean his nose everytime he pontificates on the greatness of Trump.



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