I have mixed feelings about it. I have mixed feelings about a lot of things actually, there’s too much noise.
Adding in tone, body language, stress from being in a combat zone, and all that .... to me a lot of them appear to be gobsmacked over the fact of finding ourselves here again rather than forgetting about European wars for centuries. We thought WWII was going to be the last one. Mutually assured destruction gave a false sense of peace. I understand this. My grandparents' generation fought WWII so I grew up hearing some of the stories from them.
Back in the early 90s I got into an argument with Papa about unlimited growth and the likelihood of future resource wars or nuclear wars. I was in college and in the course of ecological studies had run across some stuff on collapse before it was a headline, you know? Specifically about fossil fuels and OPEC.
Anyway, he took offense to my "casual" mention of war and was adamant that NEVER AGAIN would there be what their generation went through. They ensured it.
So, I don’t think they’re trying to be racist or suggest some sort of superiority over black people. I think they’re truly shocked and afraid of what comes next (again, think about the last time). Time hasn’t lessened the psychological hit of WWII. Most everyone grew up being told there would never be anything like that again. They believed it. I think maybe that’s one of the reasons why so many people have a hard time wrapping their heads around sustainability and 6th extinction, and climate change. It seems to be tied together in people’s minds (particularly boomers) in a weird way.
That said, I COMPLETELY understand why most black people jump straight to white supremacy. Because it is.
Because that ensuring that we would never go through the likes of WWII again didn’t exactly include everyone, did it? The Marshall Plan didn’t rebuild Ethiopia after the Italian war machine and Mussolini ravaged their forests, destroyed their ability to grow crops, and burnt their communities. How many have died in the ensuing droughts and famines? Tens of millions over the last half century, right?
And so forth and so on. One could fill a library.
The truth is, we never cleaned up the WHOLE mess from WWII. There are lots of places that still haven’t recovered. There are places that can’t; they won’t recover for centuries, if ever.
Acknowledging that will and has brought out the raging white supremacists (may they rot in hell). Next there will be white male conservative hysterics over CRT. Again. Ensuring that the next invasion will play out the same way. They’ll be so shocked. Because they never learned how things went down and are going down in other countries, they’ll be blind to when it comes and bites them in the ass again.
And it will. We are likely entering a new age of war. Resource wars.
In actuality, we already have been. Kuwait wasn’t about invasion. It was about oil. Iraq wasn’t about WMD or Iraqi women being brutalized. It was about oil.
We will be lucky if nuclear winter doesn’t happen within the next two centuries, though not necessarily because of nuclear strikes.
I got rambly. Sorry, like I said, a lot of noise.