I have an idea I think you'll like.
Let's sex segregate every town and city, right down the middle. You men can stay on your side, free from girl cooties and we'll stay on our side, free to dance in the moonlight without you boys buffing us or attacking us.
Just split everything right down the middle. You won't even have to see us.
You can set your colleges up however you want, lwarn whatever you want. You can watch football without having to see Taylor Swift or build yourselves a Thunderdome to test your mascinity prowess. Whatever.
You can have the I duatriea you want. The jobs you want. The entertaonment and culture all to your liking without any feminizing influence.
We can set up establishments along the border for conjugal relations for anyone who wants them. We women can turn over all male infants to your care so they won't be feminized either.
All we ask in return is that you leave us alone and stop blaming us for all your bullshit.
How's that sound? You game?