I have a question. How do these supposedly "toxic" females even know your preference?
Who are these females?
Are they women that you have asked out on a date, then dehumanized by referring to them as females and snubbed by boorishly proclaiming your preference in a manner to tell them they don’t measure up? This is a PUA tactic to get a woman to "prove" her value by putting out early by negging her. It’s manipulative and exploitative.
Are they random women in public space just going about their day? Are you going up to these women, intruding into their space, to tell them of your preference? Why the fuck would you think they would care about your special preference? That’s harassing. Maybe not in the legal sense of the word, but it’s definitely annoying. Color me shocked that annoying behavior would not be well received.
Are these ‘toxic’ females women in a workplace setting? Either where you work or where you are a customer? And that doesn’t strike you as inappropriate at all? Really?
Are they women at church? Are you interrupting prayer circle or bible study or service to make sure they know what you find bootylicious?
Women on the internet? I already know you love to wax poetic about the fact that you have preferences. So do I. So does everyone. So what? It’s not a big deal really. Most of us keep it to ourselves.
No one is surprised that you have preferences. We’re surprised that you seem to think it’s such a juicy tidbit that everyone else must be made aware of it as soon as possible. That you having preferences makes you special or a cut above or something.
You might want to consider here that the issue is not that these women are toxic, but that you’re an obnoxious asshole about having a body type preference. Maybe you want to look into getting over yourself.