I hate to say it, but I hope the borders stay closed too. The world needs to quarantine us till some assemblance of sanity is restored.
I’ve heard the snarky comments about wait times too and always found them ridiculous. Priority should always go to the most severe cases. Duh. I shouldn’t get to go first to have a cyst drained over someone who needs to have knee replacement or a hernia repaired. Cosmetic surgery should not take precedence over a pacemaker implant. There too, are lots of conditions that should require a second and even third opinion before treatment so that what’s best for the patient can be pursued rather than what makes the money, whatever gives the doctors a chance to try new equipment/procedures, etc., and get everything in place for long term care if needed BEFORE you go down that road. Cancer is an example there. Organ failure is another.
Frankly, none of this should have to be said. I sincerely doubt many people wait long in true emergency situations in Canada like gunshot wounds or car accidents. I doubt children with super high fevers have to wait for days to see a doctor.
There is a difference between true emergency care and other medical needs which can wait a bit to make sure everyone is taken care of, proper consultations and review can take place, appropriate after care is set up, and the patient and their family has a chance to decide what avenue they want to pursue.