I guess you wouldn’t be going frog gigging then, would you? That’s a shame. You’d probably love it.
And you’re right, I guess I did kind of accidentally go off on a tangent. As I said, American men are having a collective meltdown right now. You just wouldn’t believe.
Okay, so. Getting a date. You still need to be groomed. You gotta present yourself, yeah? You want to be direct, well spoken, signal interest and be interesting in more than a back alley shag kind of way.
If I was a British lad, there are places I would never ask a woman for a date. Clubs being one and public parks being another. Buses and the train being a third. There have been too many assaults on women in these places. You’re going to come off as a creep in these places no matter what.
Second thing (I don’t know if Brits are doing this but American men are and it’s fucking annoying), I wouldn’t walk up to a woman and ask her out on a date point blank or after throwing out some lame line. When I say be direct, I mean don’t hem and haw. Know what I mean? It helps if the lady in question knows your name first. So introduce yourself, strike up a non lusty conversation, talk a bit. Don’t try to get her number. Give her yours and a social media handle if you have one so she can digitally check you out and make sure you’re not a nutter.
If you’ve handled your conversation well, you’ll have learned where she likes to hang out or what she likes to do. If you’re interested enough and she doesn’t call you back, you’ll be able to put yourself in her surroundings where you’ll see her again. A lot of women want to see some familiarity of presence before they’ll go out with you, particularly if they’re petite.
If I had the opportunity, I would suggest a party, group get together, or public event to meet up at for the first and early dates. I don’t don’t think y’all do music festivals like we do, so maybe a pub with a band?
Your last option, is to be introduced. It gives you cred for not being a creep when someone vouches for you. Find out who’s in her social circle and network your way into an introduction. Obviously, you need your own social circle for that one to be effective.
If you already know her, like if you work together or were students together or something like that, your approach is going to be much easier. You’ve established that familiarity already. She’s had a chance to observe you and determine if you’re a threat or not, boring or not, and whether or not she’s interested. You want to signal interest. Smile. Say hey. Seek nearness. Be charming and/or funny, but not gross/gauche funny. Then just ask. Be confident when asking. Obviously, be groomed.
Do yourself a favor and avoid dating gurus, influencers and social media hustlers at all costs. They’ll ruin your chances. Don’t try to play tricks or games. Be forthright and honest.
I’ve had the pleasure of speaking in depth with several British men. I found them to be adventurous, a right ray of sunshine in a happy to lucky sort of way, and refreshingly earnest and sincere. They were also completely lacking in confidence, extremely awkward around women, and had a perpetual sort of pining demeanor, like a kid looking through a candy store window knowing he’ll never be allowed in.
Based on that, I’d say work on your social confidence and self-esteem. I think we all need that anyways.
I asked one of those guys out but he turned me down. I think I shocked him by asking him out. Haha. See how that goes? It’s off-putting when someone you barely know hits on you out of the blue.
I guess I’ve run on long enough. Thanks for your time.