I guarantew you where you started the story was NOT the beginning of the story.
Pro tip. Women don't run to outsiders for advice on how to get their husbands to listen to them the first time they get ignored. Or the second. Or the third. Or the fourth. Or the nth.
They sit and stew in increasing frustration and continue trying.
It doesn't come out until they are so frustrated, anxious, and overwrought about it that it's plainly visible on their faces and someone else asks them what's wrong.
Usually a bunch of someone's. Then, out of fatigue of being asked, she spills. And whatever their response is, is what their response is. One is usually not lucky enough to get a feminist response. Most responses will be along the lines of more sex, better food, look better, and stop talking so much, be grateful. Still. Like that ever helped.
But not that husband. No.no.no. Everyone else in the world is painfully aware this wan is at her wits end. Even strangers. But that husband is still marinating in bad leadership, self absorption, and partnership absenteeism.
Even the kids and the dog have noticed and changed their behavior accordingly. Not that he would have noticed that either. How quiet they've gotten. How they keep coming up to her and putting their nose against her calf or their head in her hand in the case of the dog and leaning, patting, and clinging in the case of the children.
And that says something. A child and a pet who don't have either the life experience or the brain power at their disposal that our boy Matt does will notice Sarah's not doing well and impulsively act up on that observation in very predictable ways.
But Matt won't. Too busy being a selfish bastard despite those very clear advantages, I mean, I he ever noticed anything past his own nose that is.
But sure. Blame Sarah for "not communicating".
Give me a break. You wrote a man who is callous, selfish, and obtuse. He reaped what he sowed. Matched energy. He's no victim of feminism. He's a victim of the consequences of his own shitty attitude and actions being self absorbed.