I doubt it. That would separate them from the children they may already have. More likely, there will be a two pronged approach. Legal: civil litigation and activism to replace the politicians who voted for it and overturn the law, challenge the law to higher courts. Secrecy: women will stop talking about possible pregnancies with anyone and not seek care locally if they suspect pregnancy. Men will absolutely be left out of the loop. Women will be less inclined to date until they are actively seeking a husband and younger women will leave the state as soon as they are able. I'd expect to see an uptick in out of state college enrollments. I expect a big economic hit to states who pass these laws in the near future. You don't have an economy when women don't want to live there. There already is an underground network of abortion services being set up. Fortunately, the abortion pill means it's a lot safer than the back alley doctors and coat hangers from the days of yore.
One thing that will not end, is abortions.