Oct 17, 2020


I don’t think she was saying that. Only that some women choose to act out patriarchal tropes on other women. But that’s on them. Men are responsible for their own actions and failure to engage in discussions and actions about much needed change but not individual actions of others. One person can only do so much and no one expects men to fix it magically. Women have to do their part too. Just take care of your corner and don’t gaslight or undermine for your own gain. Itll come back around and bite you in the ass. That’s all.

They’re “Uncle Toms” in a sense. Or maybe “Aunt Lydias" would be a better analogy. The fact is, every subjugated group has members who act out the violence of supremacy or ally with it against their own in an effort to save themselves from it. Some get off on the violence in a weird kind of way as a restoration of what has been stripped from them. It’s pleasurable.

Never spares them in the end though.



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