I don't think it's going to go that way this time.
This time, the cost of failure is being footed entirely by blue states and everyone knows it.
You've also got climate disasters destroying while communities. And there's going to be more and more of them and they're going to be more severe.
When conservatives are in charge, they're making thee disasters worse because they're not about governing. They're about forcing a way of life no one but them wants. They'll take your blue money and squeeze you wherever and however they can.
Every penny spent propping up failed red states is a penny that could have been spent shoring up communities, adapting to withstand climate change.
And everybody knows it.
Is California supposed to let it's citizens be burned out of their homes because Alabama wants to jail pregnant women indefinitely, without charge? Are all the east coast blue states supposed to let their citizens starve of die in floods so Texas can hunt down women trying to escape their madness or cover for their failure to upkeep their electric grid?
Liberals aren't exactly thrilled to constantly be footing the bill for conservative folly.
At some point, cutting them loose will be necessary for self preservation. "The Union" be damned. It's just an imaginary line drawn on a map in the end. Borders change all the time.