I don't mind legit complaints. But again, you're making this about controlling women rather men exercising their own agency.
You're continually failing to see the difference because of aggrievement.
This complaint is about men not getting what they want how they want it WITHOUT regard for the personhood of the woman in question. Because "those bitches" just won't mind when we tell them how they need to be.
Women complaining about men presenting themselves as one thing in order to get access to their bodies and the doing the flip, dropping the mask, disengaging, not doing what they promised once they have the security of a marriage or time investment. This co.plaint isn't about trying to control men. It's about being lied to. Defrauded. Misled. Manipulated. Tricked. Bamboozled.
Don't pretend like you can't distinct the difference.
The women you're talking about didn't trick or manipulate anyone. You men ate just pissed because you want her and she doesn't want you back. She won't settle.
Not cool.
You have no leg to stand on and you fucking well know it.