2 min readJul 3, 2023


I don't know Shane. I hear a lot more contempt towards Black women from Black men than towards Black men from Black women.

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts recently, including many frim Black creators. Based off what's on those podcasts, let's just speak plain. A lot of Black men are trippin'. Absolutely trippin'. One dude got up, in a public space mind you, and out loud made the claim that men don't need women anymore because they can just go jizz in a pod (artificial womb) if and when they want a baby or to be fathers as a legacy.

I shit you not. And there was this whole "So nyah!" tone to this diatribe. I also got the distinct impression this young man had xonvinced himself his legacy would emerge from it's pod fully grown and ready to do for him as a legacy should be grateful to do.

You gonna try to blame that on feminism too? That should be entertaining.

You're right, in that there are plenty of Black men who are or are ready to be good partners. In the end, Black people aren't any different than anyone else.


But, you'd be remiss to not acknowledge that within the Black community, just like within the white community and the Hispanic community there are not a sizeable number of men who have taken leave of their damn senses, lost touch with reality and lost their damn minds with this alpha ideology bullshit. The only communities where we're not seeing this farce play out so prominently are the Asian and Indigenous communities.

I think it's clear this is a problem with men, not women and not feminism. Y'all are scared and panicking because you don't know how to be without control and domination. Without the lies men build their egos upon. You've defined yourselves upon a house of cards that's tumbling down because it's a house of cards and many of your number are losing their shit because of it.

It is not the purpose of Black women to pander to foolish men. It is not their purpose, their responsibility, or their job in life to squander their lives and their wellbeing propping up the stupid, silly, thoughtless, imprudent, irresponsible, witless, and halfwitted delusions of grandeur from men simpletons based upon mythologized lies that were never true in the first place.

The actual decent, hardworking, honorable men out there know this and conduct themselves accordingly. For someone who claimd to be a victim of umdeserved female scorn, disrespect, and derision you're dishing your share of it; although kudos for using coded language about it. You'll get a lot of desperately aggrieved men and pickmeishas to agree with you.



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