1 min readJan 9, 2022


I don't doubt that. The European Union is an economic powerhouse. That said, things like "upward mobility" are transient in nature so it's no really relevant to a historical references.

As for happiness, constitutional freedoms guarantee the pursuit of happiness. They do not guarantee happiness. They are not the same thing. Happiness in and of itself is also transient in nature. It's an emotion. So, yes Americans are generally unhappy right now. We're stressed and worried. We're facing collapse. Our leaders are hacks and charlatans. Our politics have been sold. Pandemic. Nobody's over here singing 'Kumbaya' of late.

Will Smith was in a movie called "The Pursuit of Happyness" that explains the Constitution concept quite well. Maybe you could watch it?

America does not have the most advanced progressive Constitution among the free world anymore. We have been surpassed on that front. Still, we were the first modern nation founded outside a monarchy or theocracy.

American language around the idea of freedoms serves two purposes. It pays homage to that historical ideal and it is a reminder that we are not there yet. We still have work to do. Outside of the inane ramblings of certain groups, it's not meant as a statement of superiority or a slight on other nations.

As for the crazed muttering of said certain groups, I don't know what else to tell you other than that they're blithering idiots. Why listen to blithering idiots? Every nation and culture has their share of blithering idiots. America is not immune to that either.



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