I do blame them and special interests for inertia.
I’m not sure it’s the place of the Democratic party to hold them accountable. I guess it depends on what you’re talking about, exactly.
Call them out? Absolutely.
Limit their influence and air time? Oh yeah.
Kick them off committee for stonewalling? You betcha.
Refuse to horsetrade for votes on the floor? Cool. Cool.
Refuse to help fund them? Hey, they made their bed.
Ultimately though, it’s up to the voters to hold accountable. They’re not supposed to be working for the Democratic party, they’re supposed to be working for the voters first and alongside the Democratic party second.
Ultimately, I don’t want my representatives towing the party line like a good soldier at the expense of my local interests or my family. I want them looking out for me because that’s why I voted for them, or in cases of not, that’s their job.