I didn't say we were. I said we were primates and that as such, we'd be better off modelling our social groups like other primates rather than predatory felines.
You're equivocating.
Then you say male reproductive burden is equal to female reproductive burden and use a bunch of social constructs that have nothing to do with the business end of reproduction.
Abject nonsense.
Mate selection is not the same as the physical biological requirements of forming, growing and birthing another human being.
What we go through as each sex to select a mate is equivalent. Males have to set themselves above other males vying for a mate and females have to deflect overly aggressive males while simultaneously evaluating the quality of males they might be interested in.
But when it comes to making another human being, males expend far fewer bodily resources and encounter far fewer hazards doing so than females do. To suggest otherwise is a nothing more than a show of willful stupidity.
And yep. You were whining about how hard it is to be a man. Even worse, it was a spineless attempt to buff up your man cred by performativly dissing on women instead of challenging another man to increase your perceived societal dominance value as a man. Which of course, is why you always feel like crap. Your solution to alleviate low self esteem is a false front, a false flag, and you know it.
So do we.