I didn't say Nazis were Christians. I said Christians aligned with the Nazi party in thr dame way so many Christians today align with the MAGA movement. There are pastors preaching summary execution of LGBTQ+ people. They're advocating an American Kristallnacht.
I'm also not saying all Christians are sociopathic monsters.
I am saying that time after time they will choose to protect the religious institution over living the teachings of Jesus Christ. How many priests who sexually abused children were protected by the Catholic church? How many? Did you forget about the hate rhetoric spewed toward Sinead O'Connor for speaking truth to what the Church did. Do those chikdren not count as a sacrifice foe you? Or her? THAT'S actually what's not surprising.
How many were burned and tortured during the inquisition? Did you think it was gardeners doing all that torturing and burning. Ever read about the fires of Smith's Field? Still not enough of a sacrifice, huh?
Okay. Well explain why you think certain faith traditions get a pass for being abolitionist when they also ran residential schools and are still hiding the truth and preventing families from reclaiming the bones of those stolen and murdered children?
And while we're on the subject of slavery, wasn't it the Bible that was used to justify slavery as an institution in the first place? And wasn't it those always helpful Popes, priests, and ministers who always 1found exactly the right Biblical passage to justify their atrocity? From Cain being marked, supposedly by being turned Black, for murdering his brother because God liked Abell better to "slaves obey your masters" to let's not forget Ham being made a servant to his beothers for pissing off God, allegedly. And poor Eve was created to be a brood mare mule for Adam.
The church serves itself above all. It's always been that way because that's what dominionists do. Most Christians are clearly followers of Paul, not Jesus.
Jim Jones. David Koresh. Joseph Smith. L. Ron Hubbard. How many lives sacrificed those types. They're all Christians.
Christianity wouldn't have saved Nietsche from his insanity. Christianity falls in love with sociopaths and then says, "hold my beer."
Nietsche was a nutter. So are those who buy into the belief of Christian superiority over Jesus. There's really not that much difference between the two. Many a Christian "leader" believes he IS the übermench.
The only difference is the "sacrifices" are more directed and with institutional resources; thus far, more widespread and longerlasting rather than spontaneously arising like in Pagan cultures. They're like tsunamis vs localized landslides. A 5 day hurricane vs a tornado.