I did not realize I'd signed up for a game of whack a troll, but okay, here goes.
About blame. Let's be specific again. It's not misogyny to blame women, you said. Not if we're talking about blaming women for criminal activity. If a woman murders someone in a fit of rage, them no, it's not misogyny to blame her for that murder. But simply existing as herself is not criminal activity. You not liking her as a man is none of her business. She's not obligated to please or even notice you. If you blame her because you find her sexually unappealing, that's misogyny. It's got nothing to do with her. She's not the problem, you are.
It would be the same thing as saying "I have to be WGTOW because these modern men don't wear kilts anymore or have long beards and I don't like the way they act. They're a problem because of it. So I can't date.
First off, my problem is that I need to date in an alternative culture where men's dress code is less restrictive or move my ass to Scotland because men are not a monolith. Not all men shave, some grow spectacular beards. Some can't grow beards. That would be a preference, but it's their body. I don't get to make demands on how they choose to present their body. If I'm saying men are a problem over beard growth .... it should be beyond clear that the men are not the problem. That's a me problem. That would be me being an asshole, hating and disrespecting an entire group because I can't make them morph themselves to be pleasing to me and many of them don't.
If I'm using that as an excuse for why I can't get a date instead of learning social skills so that I might be pleasing in turn to those men I approach who I do find pleasing, then it's clear as day that men are not a problem at all. I'm just saying they are as a cop out because I'm too lazy, entitled, scared what other women will think of me, and cowardly to do what I need to do to secure a mate and then blaming them for it.
In this hypothetical reverse scenarios we would call that misandry and we would be exactly right. Spot on. Calling a spade a spade.
I'm not saying all MGTOW are misogynists and whether or not they are, good for them for leaving the dating scene as their presence there degrades the environment for everyone else with good intent.
But I am saying that many are and the intent, what you tell yourselves and each other as the reason why you chose MGTOW, will determine whether or not you are a misogynist. The OP made his intent plain and he is a misogynist. Women are not his problem. The fact that he wants to control them and can't is what his problem is.