I did 50 hours of unmedicated labor at measured full intensity of contractions just to get to half dialation.
Then there was 3.5 hours to get to time to push (the other half of dialation) and 30 minutes of pushing.
What sustained me was knowing that the journey would come to completion, it wouldn't go on forever, and focusing on what the end result would be.
However long it takes. Whatever pain must be endured to get me there. Epic journeys are absolute shit until you get to the end. That's what makes them worthwhile and worth it. If it was easy, you wouldn't feel the way you do at the end. There would be no sense of accomplishment to them. Nothing conquered. Nothing survived. You'd have no tales to tell.
It would be no different than going to the grocery store. So ho hum.
Whipping oneself into shape should not be about looks, that's the wrong focus. It should be about getting your body into it's best condition. Strength, flexibility, health. Being able to do what you want to do.
You might have a naturally rotund shape just like I have a naturally stocky build. There's nothing wrong with that, though marketing propaganda would have us believe otherwise.
But I don't know any super petite birds who starve themselves into further extremes of thinness who can carry 100 lbs of horse feed a half mile with little difficulty. Do you?
I also know I'd much rather spend my time with horses than chasing down a man to open a jar for me just so he can feel good about himself too.
It is what it is.
You want confidence?
Stop hating your body. Love it enough to treat it right and let it guide you to it's best version.