I can't criticize that decision as it is one I have made myself. After going out with 100 or so men in a relatively short time frame and still not finding what you're looking for, one must conclude that either one is in the wrong market entirely, one has incredibly bad luck, what one wants is not available, that one doesn't truly want what one has been looking for, or some combination thereof.
Dating left me depressed and constantly anxious too. So even with being able to date "successfully", dating can be really rough on you mentally and emotionally. And that's assuming you don't get assaulted.
You're preaching to the choir about generalizations. Vociferously aggrieved men blame women for everything. They have no rudder on life, it's because of women and feminists. They have no future because of all those single moms. They had no father in their life because women initiate divorce 70% of the time. They have higher occupational death rates because women won't work those job, and feminazis. Blah blah blah blah blah. That's where we'll leave off, because you saying you can't get a date because women don't notice you (putting the blame and the responsibility for your dating life on the shoulders of women) is not the same as saying you can't get a date because you don't know how to, because you have underdeveloped social skills that you're clearly not interested in developing, and that you have some kind of negative self talk that is winding you up and preventing you from acting. You don't want it enough to overcome that negative self talk and that self talk is giving you a better emotional payout than the anxiety around dating.
That's fine. Don't date if you don't truly want to. You don't have to be partnered to be a decent human being, important to society, live a good life, be worthy of anything, and so forth and so on. Your sense of validation rests with you and you alone. No one can define it for you. They'll try (you're preaching to the choir again), but you shouldn't let them.
It's a perfectly reasonable choice in life to make, not dating. But you make it for you, and you own it. Don't blame women ("women don't notice me. Women don't find me attractive. Women won't date me.")