I already did. You are not required to donate your body to keep someone else alive. I am.
You can go to a doctor, ask for sterilization and receive it without a lot of fuss. I can't.
Nobody is actively pursuing stripping you of birth control of voting rights. Again, I can't say the same.
As the default human, you will never face restrictions on any aspect of your autonomy unless you are non-white. There is an active push to return to coverture laws and practices.
You have constitutional guarantee of equal rights under the law.
I do not. Even though the ERA has now passed and been ratified ONE MAN is preventing that last step to guaranteed equal rights.
Outside of legalities, women face barriers to financial autonomy due primarily to economics and child care issues.
Socially, as long as men define manhood as the opposite of womanhood or the opposite of the feminine and degrade the feminine to elevate the masculine rather than defining manhood as the completion of and opposite of childhood then relationships with men will continue to be hazardous, dealing with domination attemps, and generallt unfulfilling for women.
Rejecting men because they have made themselves unsuitable mates and broadly signaled they have no real interest in partnership is not trying to take over or dominate men. It's just living your life without them as much as you can to avoid being led a dog's life by a guy who thinks he's entitled to your labor, your heart, your skills, and your body just because he has a dick.