2 min readNov 5, 2021


I agree with you that dating has gotten harder. Personally, I think part of the reason is a lack of social events for singles.

People go to socials in order to date so there’s no chance of flirting being aimed at someone who doesn’t want it. My grandparents met at a church social for returning WWII soldiers. My other grandparents met at a town centennial event, there was a dance to conclude the event. My parents met at a student union social event at college. These were planned, moderated, safe events staged specifically so men and women could meet and spend some time together socially with no pressure to see if there was enough mutual interest to even want to date.

That’s the sort of thing dating apps have replaced.

That’s also why hitting on women in public like men do today is so apt to fail.

It comes back around to what EmilyMeyer was saying about objectification too and you were asking how can you even tell. That made me laugh, and then sigh in sad frustration.

Guys come up to women in public these days, pop off some generic comment about how hot they are, try to act cool, and then ask for a hookup or to "hang".

They don’t even ask for a proper date, introduce themselves, or ask your name. How is that NOT objectification? When the whole exchange can be boiled down to, "Damn girl. [looks up]
You are HOT! ["Thanks"]
Smokin' hot. ["Okay ??"]
So hot it makes me want to fuck. [Oh God. Not again.]

How can we tell? Lolz and smh. And then you’re trying to tell her her detector is cranked up too high. 😂😂😂🤦🤦🤦

I just can’t even with you guys. Y’all need the basics all right. Like how to introduce yourselves to strangers in public. And that THAT’S what you should lead with. Not your penis.



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