I agree with you here. When it gets down to it trolls troll because they’re suffering from some kind of insecurity. It’s the digital equivalent of pecking. That’s why so many of them are male or male presenting.
Putting it in a theatre perspective, trolls are like classless clowns who sneak into a theatre to throw rotten vegetables at the entertainment.
I’m a paying member. I bought my ticket and I contribute to the coffee fund of writers as I can or for exceptional pieces. As an audience member I did not pay good money that I had to bust my ass for to see people being abused because you’ve got a tiny dick problem (perceived).
Fuck that shit.
Frankly, Medium needs to do more to boot trolls. But, until they do I reserve the right to take any of those rotten vegetables that have landed in my vicinity and girl them right back in the troll’s stupid gaping face. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and the little shits will choke.
I do not appreciate the disrespect to my time, my wallet, my safety, or my pleasure and entertainment.
Yes. It affects patron experience.